SISSA is a small school, but the sheer volume of emails its administration can produce easily rivals that of larger institutions. It may then happen that you miss exactly that piece of information you were looking for, or that you do not read some important communication because it was unclear whether it applied to you.
Quite luckily, the Student representatives always keep an eye on what it is going on, and are very happy to share information anyone may need in their SISSA daily life.
Starting with the teaching regulation (did someone tell you that the rules are just a set of guidelines, not really to care about? At least once in your PhD, you will experience the opposite!), to the tens of ad hoc regulation for missions, fellowships, contribution, taxes...
Together with the Administration, we gather information and can assist you in dealing with the related bureaucracy.

Your PhD course representative is the first resource when you need clarification and support, but we are quite a big team with different specializations. Moreover, sometimes we do know that the best person to ask for is not one among us, but some professor or administrative clerk.
For this reason, we are offering to all the students a quick reference for the most common questions (the ones we are asked most and the ones we think should be).

» What to ask to whom? «

If you are a fist-year student at SISSA, you can find most of what you need to know in the vademecum written by the Student Council.
Do you want to contribute to the vademecum? Please take a look at our contribution guide!.