The life of a grad student on the frontline of the scientific research is very challenging and, as we all have experienced, can sometimes be very very tough: going telling that it is always a piece of cake would be deceptive.
We cannot do miracles (if we could, probably we would be employed in another sector), but it is a task of ours doing all we can to relieve the fatigue, remove the unnecessary obstacles and let you focus on your real problem, i.e. your thesis project.
Luckily we are not alone, namely SISSA and ARDiS offer several kinds of support for the students (and the rest of the staff, including postdocs) who struggle in their daily life in Trieste and at SISSA.
In these pages we have collected some information and answers to the most common questions we are asked, together with the tools SISSA offers and the ones one can find for self-support.
We strongly advise to rely on your PhD course representative (or, for urgent matters, to contact the members of the Board) in case of need!